(908) 912-4191

Your Health Matters

In Light Wellness
Christian based nutrition company.
Creator Stephanie Kile felt the tug from God to create this business due to her past experiences, current life situations, and knowing there are other women out there who need support with body image, eating, and motherhood. This is the place to find that support, without judgement, without guilt, but with the help of a trained and experienced practitioner.
Stephanie Kile MS, RDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has battled with an eating disorder for many years called Orthorexia. This particular eating disorder focuses on healthy eating to being an extreme, to which it becomes unhealthy.
I chose the name “In Light Wellness” because I want people to live in the light not in the darkness of fear anymore. Walking in the light helps you see the flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses, but does not shy away from them. Instead it dives in headfirst to look them in the eye and rework the thinking behind them, reframe them into beauty. I want that for everyone, whether you have faith or not, God wants us to see the light in this world, and you my dear are a light that needs to shine for the purpose you were put on this earth without an eating disorder, a diet, or weight loss being the thing that holds you back.
Motherhood brings a lot of struggles around body image, eating properly, caring for ourselves, while also trying to loose weight and “redefine” ourselves within the season of being a mom. That doesn’t mean we need to struggle alone. Having someone to talk to, guide, speak life into, and teach you would be an added bonus in helping you navigate through this season. Knowing you have someone who has been there and is with you helps to know you are not alone and will never be.
Get in touch today to schedule an initial consultation with In Light Wellness LLC.
(908) 912-4191